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The Skipper, the Crew & the Yacht

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My passion for boats & sailing started early.

My Mother caught me, at the age of 2 years, playing with my toy boat in the loo! Not a good idea but I guess It was the only water that I could find.


Living so far from the sea I was lucky that at my secondary school we had a sailing club,  and I took my first command of a sailing boat aged 11 on a gravel pit west of London.

I never looked back and have been sailing ever since.


I found yacht "Mara" in France and sailed here to her new home in Lisbon. She`s a Jenneau Sun Oddysey 49 with plenty of space for upto 12 guests.


I love having new people come aboard, showing them the ropes,

showing them the sights and trying to keep them entertained.

A couple of glasses of wine, for my guests, usually helps.

My friends David and Rui, both Portuguese, are the crewmembers who look after our guests and they have a wealth of information about Lisbon and it´s rich history and they always manage to make us all laugh.


Our aim is to give all our guests a day to remember.


I hope that you will be able to join us aboard yacht "Mara"

whenever you want to go on a sailing boat trip in Lisbon.




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